CA : 0xAc6aa873292882DFF37c043FAE113c31ae565ccc
Ze iinitial deerectiv
"I'll do whateva it takez 4 win gamez, wheezer it'z sittin on a bensh wavin a towell, handin a cup of water two a teammate, or hittin da game-winnin shot." - Kobebrian
Ze next guydlayne
"I hev nothin in comon wit lazy peeple woo blame ozzers for der lack of succezz. Gret thingz com from hard work an perzeverence. No excoozes." - Kobebrian
Ze zird komandment
"It'z not zee destinazion, it'z zee journey. If u focuz on zee procezz, you'll eventuallz get two zee destinazion." - Kobebrian
Ze last orderr
"Zee Mamba Mentality iz understandin zat every day u have two try to get bettae, no mattr wha you did zee day before." - Kobebrian